The topic for this blog of mine deals with flexibility,speed,feathers,net,nylon chords - Yes,I am talking of badminton
We Indians have all played this game...shuttle cork and racquets are all this game requires with some open spaces.This is a game where women,kids - all, have displayed their racquet skills some time or the other.
But , in the end, only a few excel at this game because it is their passion and not just a mode of evening entertainment/time pass.
I have always loved to play this game from my childhood,I believe the genes of this racquet game were passed on to me by my father - who was himself a national level ball badminton player.He has won many a tournament.I was a witness to a few of the tournaments myself.
My father used to go every Sunday for practice in Pune(thats where we studied,played ,enjoyed the most).I use to tag along with him and used to watch the matches played from the sidelines.I even doubled up as a ball boy incase the ball used to land far away from the court(Ball badminton is an outdoor sport - can be played as doubles and fives).
I used to enjoy this Sunday ritual as it helped me to understand team work and the skills required in this fast paced game.
I then took up badminton(my student days - must have been 12 or 13 years) by playing at our estate club,I used my Dad's wooden racquet to play.This racquet was very different from a normal badminton racquet.It was heavy,wooden and had strings that were quite tough.
The only trouble at our estate club was that there was no coach who could give that strong foundation of basics.Formal coaching is what I still miss and feel about.
I played occasionally therafter because cricket ,football and hockey were the games that the kids of my neighbourhood preferred(maybe because they lacked skills in badminton)
I completely lost touch with badminton when I started my professional work.It was only about 2 years back when one of my friends goaded me to join him and his friends to play at a nearby club.I was again re-united with my long lost love.I was back in the groove.
I focussed on honing and sharpening my skills (age doesnt matter - if you want to learn) and my bigger goal was to play in a tournament and find out where I stand.
The next stop was a corporate tournament where I was representing my company,Reliance Industries.We won Men's doubles in 40+ category.
My success in this tournamaent has encouraged me to practice harder and improve my skills further.
Now,badminton has become my biggest passion...Want to continue with it till I can...