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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Apply Brakes and Break Away

I am going to FAR EAST for my holidays
I am a big fan of London and the shopping it offers
Big Apple,  I am coming!!
GOA – whoa…..
Monsoon holiday for me….

When the body or mind reaches its threshold, efficiency declines. As much as we take rest at the end of the day to replenish our energy levels, holidays rejuvenate our mind, intellect and emotions and thereby the spirit.
If at all we do go on a holiday, we exhaust ourselves with seeing seven different places in a day’s time. It is plenty of travelling, sightseeing, visiting places of worship and endless shopping. Such holidays, instead of serving as a break, actually break you down. What to say of people who do the same even during their honeymoon!
Some people tend to maximize their holidays by booking and looking to stuff many options in to a limited period of holiday.Some people wish to go totally opposite. They will get up at 1pm and have their breakfast and lunch at 4pm and dinner at 1am –result – acidity ,upset stomach…
My view – both are a bit extreme as they will stress the system and by the time you arrive back at your base location – HOME , you are tired and longing to take another day off to recuperate from the schedule
Holidays are meant to be a “routine breaker” which allows you to step back from your daily schedule and take a look at life from an “outsider” perspective.
 Taking family holidays is the best investment one can make to rebuild family ties. Likewise, taking a holiday with your friends greatly strengthens the emotional bonding, we get nostalgic, remember the silly things that we did and still not get embarrassed in front of our friends.

 A holiday provides uninterrupted time with each other and hence reduces the accumulated emotional baggage. It breaks the pattern of routine life which has turned out to be a professional drill for most people. It not only provides recreation, but also re- creates your spirits (the solid one, not the liquid).
Leave your mobile phones, laptops and your tight inner garments behind. Dress comfortably during your holiday and forget modeling. Resolve not to call your office till your holiday is through. For heaven’s sake, do not go there and start cooking your own food. Treat you tongue to new cuisines.
Its always a welcome break for the housewife (who works the hardest in a family) too from her daily routine – breakfast for the husband, getting the kids ready for school, endless hours in the kitchen – getting lumch,snacks and dinner.. whoosh next day begins. Even she is sick and tired of eating her own food..She is the person who enjoys the most on a holiday as she gets to eat what she wants and not what she has prepared…
A holiday to unwind... a holiday to break the pattern of thought and work…a holiday to rejuvenate…a holiday to breathe different air…a holiday to look back and to look ahead…a holiday to dedicate yourself completely to the family…a holiday a holiday to free yourself from your labels and designations ,  where you can  be purely YOU without any inhibitions…
Holidays are mandatory. Without breaks, we will break down.
So, apply brakes to your work and Break away

Friday, June 1, 2012


I am using this analogy to prove a point.
You have dumped cloths inside a washing machine. The machine has performed its job. Now the cloths have to be taken out for drying. The longer you keep the cloths inside the machine, the fouler the odour will be. Don’t take it out for a few days and the stench will become unbearable. So it is with our thoughts and emotions. The more and more we keep building thoughts but do not communicate, and more and more we feel the emotions but do not express, the greater becomes the gap in the relationship. How long will you sweep things under the carpet? Eventually it will come out; and when it comes out, it comes out as a blast that is unmanageable.

 When you do not spontaneously communicate your thoughts and express your feelings, you begin to distort them. When you cannot face it, you tend to deny it. What you cannot accept, you pretend not to care about. Time, it seems, makes a liar out of all of us.

 The secret of emotional health is to tell the persons who hurt you that they hurt you, when they hurt you.Emotional stress is purely due to thoughts not communicated and emotions not expressed. Emotional illness is a strong disease.

You are telling me, “Honestly, if I start expressing all my thoughts and feelings, I will hurt the person who matters so much to me.” I am telling you, “If you don’t, you will eventually hurt the relationship itself.”

Let us learn to face the truth, even if it hurts. Let those who matter to us the most learn to face the truth, even if it hurts. Communicate your thoughts and feelings directly to the person who instigated it. Be prompt. Don’t wait for ideal conditions. Be simple. Finish your complaint and let go. Don’t exaggerate, don’t nag; avoid overkill. If the person feels with you, you have succeeded. If not, understand who you are dealing with. Accept what is. Forgive and let go of your hurt. Move on…you have nothing to prove.

So , I have moved on ….Have you??