I am such a gullible fella – I trust others.
Why some people trust easily and why others don’t?
Which is better – trusting or not trusting?
Trust is a matter of experience. Child trusts a mother when she joyously throws her child in the air and catches in time.
When a child grows and starts getting experience of interactions with various people, he/she either builds the trust factor or depletes the trust factor. The more you encounter positive experiences the more you trust others.
The bigger hurdle for trust is the human nature that borders on cynisim. WE don’t trust strangers. How many times have we given a lift to strangers in our cars? Why don’t we? Imagine a situation where you are looking for a lift as you are stuck with a car that has broken down on a desolate highway (now you are the stranger),where you are willing to trust the other person(who still is a stranger) giving a lift because it is suiting your purpose!!
We don’t trust others but expect others to trust us..
How do you feel when you meet somebody for the first time?
1) Does it make you feel that you have to prove that you are trustworthy? Is that a good feeling?
2) It perhaps makes you jump to negative conclusions about that person – Why is he behaving like this,whats his problem..these are your reactions of suspicion as a response to lack of trust from that person
Now, we look at the flip side
How does it make you feel when you meet somebody for the first time and get a warm response, feeling of trust and openness? You like it , don’t you?In fact , you start liking that person instantly and you are much more likely to treat them with respect in return
If you want others to trust and respect us, do the same to them too.Thats a good beginning , isn’t it?Trusting others sets up a subconscious desire in them to live up to that trust
Trust is a form of approval – People like to deal with people who have their approval because it is a sign of acceptance and respect.
Successful relationships are built on trust – the more we count someone as trustworthy, the higher they get rated on our personal relationships.
Back to our opening question – In a world where some people are looking to take advantage of others,is it unwise to trust others?All I am talking about is the attitude that we project towards people we meet for the first time.
If you greet most people with trust and give them the benefit of the doubt, you will not be disappointed( I speak from my experience).Helping others feel good about themselves will raise the quality of their life and ours too
So use your common sense and exercise caution when it is required
Trust me, trusting is a good virtue…J