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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Good or Bad

There is so much of “bad” in this world that we can easily find them , point them out and also make a list of them…
There are shortcomings in an organisation, family, individual. Any idiot can find out the mistakes/faults , it is not a great achievement to find these faults.
It takes an able and noble minded person to find out the GOOD in a person/organisation/family. It takes a lot to acknowledge another person’s goodness,isn’t it?
What I can see through my bedroom window on a rainy day is either the fresh green trees or the muddy slush created from the rain water. I need to choose what I want to see from my window of life. I will see only what I want to see.
There is so much goodn in the worst of people and there is so much of bad in the best of people.What do we want to see through the spectacle that is our mind??
I take a resolve to be a habitual good finder than be a fault finder. And  You?

Written today by Krishna Pendyala for Sri Chandresekhar Nair(Daffodil)

Saturday, April 6, 2013


To plan for what you want 10 years from now is foolhardy; to not know what you want by the end of this year is again, foolhardy!!!
What’s important is to understand our objectives, measure them, track them, keep them realistic, specific.
Goals and Objectives are never ambitious, timelines are ambitious.
My resolve is to see worth in other people and make them aware of their worth.
In my times of despair,  God was always there in the form of a human soul to support,push , drive and showed me the way.There were times when I didn’t trust my abilities but I always found a few others who trusted in my abilities more than me.I have reached to this position and place not on my own steam alone but others’ belief in me..
Now, its my turn to give the world what the world has given to me.BELIEF…
Till they find their self-thur, I will be their thrust, till they find their self-belief, I will be their self-belief
I will be that propelling force that will show them that are better than they think they are.The world helped me see my future, I will now help the world see theirs….