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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Blogging - Passion or a chore?

Blogging - Passion or a chore? Writing one blog a month is what I had committed to myself. I managed to do that for quite some time and then I lost my commitment to this blog writing. Then, I told myself – “If I missed one month, I will write 2 blogs the next month and make up for the blank that I drew the last month.” I started writing on this basis. Slowly, I skipped 2 months without blogging. I said to myself – “That’s ok, I will make up next month by writing 3 blogs” My targets kept increasing and what I started as a passion turned into a painful chore. I then realised what I was doing. I started to cheat myself by making wrong commitments .If I make a wrong commitment to myself then how will I ever make commitments to others and honour my word? Now, this is what is bugging me. I hope to correct myself and start writing blog every month. This is a new beginning… Happy Dussehra to you all.


  1. A plan is a plan... deviation is a natural corollary to any plan. As long as it's a personal hobby and others are not waiting, I think it's okay to 'skip'. Not just for blogs, could be for any other hobby.

  2. Well, Arvind. Passion is something that doesnt need any "external" push, it needs "internal" drive..
    thks for the comment..
