Carefree - You never thought about saving money, planning for your future, or paying bills. Life was about playing outside with your friends, going for monthly movies (as a kid I used to wait for my staple Jeetendra – Sridevi movies)and being with your family . Life was simple and everything seemed easy. The reason that everything seemed easy for me is, because of the environment that my parents raised me in. We had a nice government quarter, in a safe neighborhood with lots of kids around. We could ride our bikes as far as our legs would take us, climb hills and roam the neighborhood well after the sun had set.( we were still not exposed to computers!!). I am so thankful for my childhood memories, and for the way that my parents provided for me. As I get older I see how difficult it is to provide that type of childhood for the next generation children.
Future ready - There is a lot effort and sacrifice that goes into providing security for your future. Sometimes I want to just freak out - make the wrong choice, and buy huge on credit, spend too much( I am already guilty of that- my wife will vouch for it), and save very little for retirement. I want to make irresponsible choices like a 20 something year old, and not make smart retirement choices like a 40 year old that would be planning and distributing my funds in equities, mutual funds, term insurances, medical insurance..the list is exhaustive..
What about you, have you ever wanted to forget about your frugal ways, and splurge? Have you ever wanted to stop being responsible, and just live irresponsibly? Have you ever shut your mind off so that you didn’t have to listen to those responsible voices? Ask yourself this question – “ If I can make one irresponsible decision, what will it be?"
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