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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

WOMAN – Working or a House wife…

In this world, women are categorised as – Housewife (nowadays referred to as house maker) or working woman.. more so in India - I always wondered WHY?
Men are never classified as – Working or Househusband – again – WHY?
Men are always classified as – service – Govt, Private or business…
Now, this blog is not to discuss about will not be an interesting read at all..
WOMEN are my object of attention in this blog
Who decides that a married woman either works or becomes part of the domestic routine of her in-laws and her husband’s house. Now, a house wife is a position that is created only after marriage.
Who decides – Housewife or a working lady??
Does the husband decide this? The pressure from the in-laws?

Biggest influencers in her decision making process
1)     Her upbringing at her parents’ house influences her decision either to take up a job or be a housewife. If she is programmed to think that “pati parmeshwar hai”, “taking care of your in-laws is the duty of a daughter-in-law”, “kids need mother’s attention always” then more often than not she will end up as a HOUSEMAKER
2)     Her new husband will then further nudge her to take up a job to support him in running the house or can also tell her to take care of his ageing parents and he will take care of running the house with his salary
3)     If the girl is in the rural setting, then more often than not , she is an additional helping hand at home and the fields. There will be no time to settle down, its work from day one.
4)     Domestic help is a category of a working woman who has chosen her profession purely for financial reasons. She has to work to support the whole family and also come home and work. Nobody influences her to do this. She does on her own. Highest levels of commitment and motivation of taking care of her family also, sometimes, pushes a woman into prostitution.
5)     Financial independence also drives a woman to take up a job. She need it more for herself than anyone else. This is the modern outlook where women are equals and they strive for what that desire come what may.
6)     There is one other category who simply don’t want to take up a job and are comfortable taking care of their home and children. Highly educated women have taken this conscious decision inspite of their husbands and families willing to allow them to work.

Now what is right for a woman?

House maker or a job seeker??

My assessment -

1)     A woman has to decide for herself what is best for her
2)     Only she is in such a glorious position to take a decision which will make or break a family. She is the fulcrum around which a family and its needs revolve.
3)     Man is useless without her support be it as a house maker or a working woman
4)     House maker is a full time job that a woman has to do. WE have to appreciate the effort, time and energy involved in this. Its with awe that I look at this position of “Housemaker”
5)     A working woman epitomises the power of multi-tasking that only a woman can do with effortless ease.

Now , I can understand why woman has been categorised as – HOUSEWIFE/MAKER and a WORKING WOMAN.
Only she can handle these two with aplomb. Man is not programmed for such complexities which includes working selflessly for others, sacrificing her needs, desires  for her family.

One last thought on this - A girl who has come from a different house and tries to forge new relations post her marriage needs great support and understanding from her husband foremost.

So appreciate a woman and celebrate her spirit of giving…