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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I won’t see others with my complaining eye…

Why do we see the imperfections in other persons? Why cant we  see just the good in a person? If you see imperfections, you will complain. A spectacle with scratches on it will always see blurred images
Its true with us too..What we want to see is upto us.If I want to see the thorns and not the rose, then whose fault is it?My eyes? My thought  process?
What does a complaint result in? Does that benefit us in any way? The more you complain, the more you build  negative energy in and around you.
Why do we keep complaining about things that we cant control? Why do we keep complaining to people who cant help us in reducing our pain area?
Complaints take us away from constructive thoughts. Complaint is a form of escalation. The person whom you are taking your complaint to, will have to address it in a way that will satisfy you(more often than not , you would want him/her to agree to your complaint)  -  but is that the end of the “complaint” thoughts  – NO
Complaints on a person crop only when you are not compatible with him/her. Incompatibility leads us to see only negative traits in that person and thus manifests the “complaint “ thoughts.
Lets pause for a moment and see the ROSE part of the person and not the THORN part. Will it not help us to take a more tolerant view then?
Think, lets resolve to reduce our complaints and lets just celebrate LIFE…..

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Pleasure - Less or More??

What do you desire? Less pleasure or more pleasure?
We all love sleeping long hours. As a student, we hated to wake up early mornings to study.
Now , if you have to get up at 4am to receive your best friend at the airport/station, do you still feel  the pain/stress to get up? No –  infact you would get up at least 3 times during the night just to see if the alarm has set off or you missed the alarm ring…isn’t it?
This brings us to the moot point – the pleasure of meeting your best friend is more than the pleasure of sleeping.
The pleasure for the right things in your life is what will make you happy. If my pleasure of succeeding in academics/ workplace/family/sports(take your choice) is higher than any other pleasure, I will be happy to put all my focus on that activity/subject to ensure I am successful in my objective of attaining higher pleasure.
Can we force anyone to take up exercise/Gym because you feel it is good? The other person needs to see the “pleasure” of health rather than you seeing the “pleasure” on his behalf. So, make him see that pleasure.
Hell needs to be replaced by Heaven for anyone to have the pleasure.
When the desire of climbing the ladder is so highly insatiable only then you will leave the fourth step and climb the fifth.. else you will remain at a low altitude and keep fighting for the LOWER. Reach out to the HIGHER and end your struggle.