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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Seeding a thought of India-Pakistan re-unification

The only solution to the Kashmir issue, according to me, is reunification of India and Pakistan under a strong, secular, modern minded government which does not tolerate religious fanaticism and deals with it firmly.

Am I mad to write what I have written? Maybe YES , maybe NO.

Let me give you a real life experience. During my stint with Ceat Tyres as an exports manager, I was In Ethiopia – in a foreign country ,different culture, colour and race. One evening I found a man of my colour loitering in the hotel lobby.I introduced myself in English and asked for his identity .He said – I am Malik from Pakistan.Then, the next 3hours was spent with him talking in Hindustani about cricket, Bollywood , music and business. We both felt so good to have met each other because it helped us to converse on topics that were so relevant to us.Never did we even broach on Kashmir nor politics. The next 3 days were spent in his company that was awesome. Similar experience repeated in Mauritius when I met my distributor there who was a Pakistani married to a Mauritian lady.
What I am coming to is when we meet Pakistanis (and I am speaking from my personal experience), we feel no different from them. We talk in Hindustani and feel one. In foreign countries, Indians and Pakistanis mix up as if Partition has not taken place. And what is the basis of Partition ? It is the bogus two nation theory, that Hindus and Muslims are two separate nations. I submit that this theory was only a product of the British policy of divide and rule to make Hindus and Muslims fight with each other. 

If this theory, that religion is the basis of a nation, is accepted then logically England(there are many chrisitians – protestants /catholics, Jews,Hindus,muslims) , Nigeria(half muslim, half Christian), France and other such countries should be partitioned into two halves. France has a sizeable Muslim population (descendants of North African Arabs belonging to the former French colonies in North Africa). The French Muslims too should be given a separate state (if the two nation theory is accepted as valid ). 
I believe that a unified sub-continent is a big plus for all of us.The biggest benefit is PEACE. Pakistan raises its defence spending every year because of its historically uneasy relations with us – last year both neighbours matched each other by equally raising their defence spending by 12%, though the size of Indian defence budget(50 billion USD) is much higher than that of Pakistan(5 billion USD).Imagine if 10 % of a total of 55 billion USD(5.5 billion USD) was spent on economic development!!!
It would mean education, infrastructure, health for all of us without depending on World Bank mercies….
Also, unified cricket, hockey teams from this region then will be ruling the world forever. Tourism industry can be leveraged in a unified Kashmir which has one of the most enchanting natural world.
Will this happen?? In my life time?? A thought , a seed is sown.. A plant will grow , a tree will spread its roots, will bear fruits…How long will it take?? I don’t know but no harm thinking that it will happen…

Friday, November 30, 2012

Corporate Winners

Reliance Industries has been declared the OVERALL CHAMPION CORPORATE TEAM in the CORPORATE GAMES 2012 conducted at Goregaon Sports complex between 6th to 21st Oct,2012 where 55 Corporates and 700 athletes participated.  
RIL got this trophy in its second year of participation itself. We had secured 4th place last year with a small contingent.

This trophy is given based on the points received in various events. In the 10 -year history of this tournament, “Reliance Industries” has become the first corporate team to cross 2000+ points.

Reliance Industries also received the “Best Male Athlete of the tourn
ament award” – Sreenivas Vemulapalli , the captain of  Reliance team.
Mr.Vemulapalli also took the intiative of co-ordinating internally to get budget approvals, team selections, nominations, conducting practice matches and assembling a WINNING RELIANCE team.

Now, how did the team deliver this result?

We at Reliance believe that Talent is hidden & not absent!!
Tus, in all earnestness we started to scout for the talent…

1)      Inclusive participation – this involved co-ordinating with various sites viz Jamnagar, Baroda, Nagothane  apart from RCP. The best of the talent available needed to be chosen. Result -  A contingent of  50+ athletes from RIL!!  
2)      Women Power – This was a foregone conclusion.We wanted the women from our company to participate in various sports disciplines because this would allow us to remain competitive in the tournament.This year, we had a total of 5 women particpiants against 0 last year which still is a low figure. We need to get more women to participate.
3)      Going beyond Badminton – We wanted to get into other disciplines where we not only participated but made a WINNING impact.This involved identifying the RIGHT talent and choosing the RIGHT mix and combination of athletes
4)      Organising Qualification matches – WE started the process of identifying the athletes by conducting the qualification matches for various disciplines and also shortlisting the athletes based on their past achievements. This allowed us to create a pool of accomplished athletes across various disciplines  and thus increased our chances of finishing on the podium.

It is very heartening to submit to you that what started as Passion for Sports is now becoming a CULTURE  - the impact of this is already seen in the Intra –Site RCP sports meet being conducted from 28/10/12 to 4/11/2012

All this would not have been possible without the support of the management(in recognising the need for participation, passing the budget), the respective managers of the athletes (without their approval, the athletes could not have made it )
A big THANK YOU to all

Congratulations  to all the athletes who WON and who Participated – both of these MADE IT HAPPEN

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I won’t see others with my complaining eye…

Why do we see the imperfections in other persons? Why cant we  see just the good in a person? If you see imperfections, you will complain. A spectacle with scratches on it will always see blurred images
Its true with us too..What we want to see is upto us.If I want to see the thorns and not the rose, then whose fault is it?My eyes? My thought  process?
What does a complaint result in? Does that benefit us in any way? The more you complain, the more you build  negative energy in and around you.
Why do we keep complaining about things that we cant control? Why do we keep complaining to people who cant help us in reducing our pain area?
Complaints take us away from constructive thoughts. Complaint is a form of escalation. The person whom you are taking your complaint to, will have to address it in a way that will satisfy you(more often than not , you would want him/her to agree to your complaint)  -  but is that the end of the “complaint” thoughts  – NO
Complaints on a person crop only when you are not compatible with him/her. Incompatibility leads us to see only negative traits in that person and thus manifests the “complaint “ thoughts.
Lets pause for a moment and see the ROSE part of the person and not the THORN part. Will it not help us to take a more tolerant view then?
Think, lets resolve to reduce our complaints and lets just celebrate LIFE…..

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Pleasure - Less or More??

What do you desire? Less pleasure or more pleasure?
We all love sleeping long hours. As a student, we hated to wake up early mornings to study.
Now , if you have to get up at 4am to receive your best friend at the airport/station, do you still feel  the pain/stress to get up? No –  infact you would get up at least 3 times during the night just to see if the alarm has set off or you missed the alarm ring…isn’t it?
This brings us to the moot point – the pleasure of meeting your best friend is more than the pleasure of sleeping.
The pleasure for the right things in your life is what will make you happy. If my pleasure of succeeding in academics/ workplace/family/sports(take your choice) is higher than any other pleasure, I will be happy to put all my focus on that activity/subject to ensure I am successful in my objective of attaining higher pleasure.
Can we force anyone to take up exercise/Gym because you feel it is good? The other person needs to see the “pleasure” of health rather than you seeing the “pleasure” on his behalf. So, make him see that pleasure.
Hell needs to be replaced by Heaven for anyone to have the pleasure.
When the desire of climbing the ladder is so highly insatiable only then you will leave the fourth step and climb the fifth.. else you will remain at a low altitude and keep fighting for the LOWER. Reach out to the HIGHER and end your struggle.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Trust Me

I am such a gullible fella – I trust others.
Why some  people trust easily and why others don’t?
Which is better – trusting or not trusting?
Trust is a matter of experience. Child trusts a mother  when she joyously throws her child in the air and catches in time.
When a child grows and starts getting  experience of interactions with various people, he/she either builds the trust factor or depletes the trust factor. The more you encounter positive experiences the more you trust others.
The bigger hurdle for trust is the human nature that borders on cynisim. WE don’t trust strangers. How many times have we given a lift to strangers in our cars? Why don’t we? Imagine a situation where you are looking for a lift as you are stuck with a car that has broken down on a desolate highway (now you are the stranger),where you are willing to trust the other person(who still is a stranger) giving a lift because it is suiting your purpose!!
We don’t trust others but expect others to trust us..
How do you feel when you meet somebody for the first time?
1)      Does it make you feel that you have to prove that you are trustworthy? Is that a good feeling?
2)      It perhaps makes you jump to negative conclusions about that person – Why is he behaving like this,whats his problem..these are your reactions of suspicion as a response to lack of trust from that person
Now, we look at the flip side
How does it make you feel when you meet somebody for the first time and get a warm response, feeling of trust and openness? You like it , don’t you?In fact , you start liking that person instantly and you are much more likely to treat them with respect in return
If you want others to trust and respect us, do the same to them too.Thats a good beginning , isn’t it?Trusting others sets up a subconscious desire in them to live up to that trust
Trust is a form of approval – People like to deal with people who have their approval because it is a sign of acceptance and respect.
Successful relationships are built on trust – the more we count someone as trustworthy, the higher they get rated on our personal relationships.

Back to our opening question – In a world where some people are looking to take advantage of others,is it unwise to trust others?All I am talking about is the attitude that we project towards people we meet for the first time.
If you greet most people with trust and give them the benefit of the doubt, you will not be disappointed( I speak from my experience).Helping others feel good about themselves will raise the quality of their life and ours too
So use your common sense and exercise caution when it is required
Trust me, trusting is a good virtue…J

Friday, July 13, 2012


Just penning down a collection of random thoughts and not related to any specific topic..

1.    Self
Who we are is our destiny
What we become is our doing.

2.   Love

My heart says to Love all
This world says to be practical
Love is an emotion that now is rare
Not everyone deserves this as their right
I will thus use this sparingly
Till the world again pleads to me
            LOVE ALL

3.   Cycle of Life

Life is a cycle of experience…
Childhood is the first pedal that we Explore,
Teenage is the first gear with which  we Experiment,
Youth is the speed that we Enjoy,
Middle age is the balance that we Adopt
Old Age is the brake that we apply to our Needs.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Apply Brakes and Break Away

I am going to FAR EAST for my holidays
I am a big fan of London and the shopping it offers
Big Apple,  I am coming!!
GOA – whoa…..
Monsoon holiday for me….

When the body or mind reaches its threshold, efficiency declines. As much as we take rest at the end of the day to replenish our energy levels, holidays rejuvenate our mind, intellect and emotions and thereby the spirit.
If at all we do go on a holiday, we exhaust ourselves with seeing seven different places in a day’s time. It is plenty of travelling, sightseeing, visiting places of worship and endless shopping. Such holidays, instead of serving as a break, actually break you down. What to say of people who do the same even during their honeymoon!
Some people tend to maximize their holidays by booking and looking to stuff many options in to a limited period of holiday.Some people wish to go totally opposite. They will get up at 1pm and have their breakfast and lunch at 4pm and dinner at 1am –result – acidity ,upset stomach…
My view – both are a bit extreme as they will stress the system and by the time you arrive back at your base location – HOME , you are tired and longing to take another day off to recuperate from the schedule
Holidays are meant to be a “routine breaker” which allows you to step back from your daily schedule and take a look at life from an “outsider” perspective.
 Taking family holidays is the best investment one can make to rebuild family ties. Likewise, taking a holiday with your friends greatly strengthens the emotional bonding, we get nostalgic, remember the silly things that we did and still not get embarrassed in front of our friends.

 A holiday provides uninterrupted time with each other and hence reduces the accumulated emotional baggage. It breaks the pattern of routine life which has turned out to be a professional drill for most people. It not only provides recreation, but also re- creates your spirits (the solid one, not the liquid).
Leave your mobile phones, laptops and your tight inner garments behind. Dress comfortably during your holiday and forget modeling. Resolve not to call your office till your holiday is through. For heaven’s sake, do not go there and start cooking your own food. Treat you tongue to new cuisines.
Its always a welcome break for the housewife (who works the hardest in a family) too from her daily routine – breakfast for the husband, getting the kids ready for school, endless hours in the kitchen – getting lumch,snacks and dinner.. whoosh next day begins. Even she is sick and tired of eating her own food..She is the person who enjoys the most on a holiday as she gets to eat what she wants and not what she has prepared…
A holiday to unwind... a holiday to break the pattern of thought and work…a holiday to rejuvenate…a holiday to breathe different air…a holiday to look back and to look ahead…a holiday to dedicate yourself completely to the family…a holiday a holiday to free yourself from your labels and designations ,  where you can  be purely YOU without any inhibitions…
Holidays are mandatory. Without breaks, we will break down.
So, apply brakes to your work and Break away

Friday, June 1, 2012


I am using this analogy to prove a point.
You have dumped cloths inside a washing machine. The machine has performed its job. Now the cloths have to be taken out for drying. The longer you keep the cloths inside the machine, the fouler the odour will be. Don’t take it out for a few days and the stench will become unbearable. So it is with our thoughts and emotions. The more and more we keep building thoughts but do not communicate, and more and more we feel the emotions but do not express, the greater becomes the gap in the relationship. How long will you sweep things under the carpet? Eventually it will come out; and when it comes out, it comes out as a blast that is unmanageable.

 When you do not spontaneously communicate your thoughts and express your feelings, you begin to distort them. When you cannot face it, you tend to deny it. What you cannot accept, you pretend not to care about. Time, it seems, makes a liar out of all of us.

 The secret of emotional health is to tell the persons who hurt you that they hurt you, when they hurt you.Emotional stress is purely due to thoughts not communicated and emotions not expressed. Emotional illness is a strong disease.

You are telling me, “Honestly, if I start expressing all my thoughts and feelings, I will hurt the person who matters so much to me.” I am telling you, “If you don’t, you will eventually hurt the relationship itself.”

Let us learn to face the truth, even if it hurts. Let those who matter to us the most learn to face the truth, even if it hurts. Communicate your thoughts and feelings directly to the person who instigated it. Be prompt. Don’t wait for ideal conditions. Be simple. Finish your complaint and let go. Don’t exaggerate, don’t nag; avoid overkill. If the person feels with you, you have succeeded. If not, understand who you are dealing with. Accept what is. Forgive and let go of your hurt. Move on…you have nothing to prove.

So , I have moved on ….Have you??

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Blame it on others

If something goes wrong, its not because of me.Its because of someone else..

My wife takes Maths tuitions. A student comes daily because her mother has forced her to this so called torture. My wife works very hard to get her student’s basics right. Its a struggle that I see more often than not.

The girl will say – “My teacher in school doesn’t teach me the same way, I am confused, I don’t understand, this subject is difficult”, my wife reasons – “Agreed that we are different teachers, our methods are different but how can the principles and logic change??”
The inability to understand the subject is a problem that the girl encounters and she has conveniently shifted the genesis of this problem to  the teaching methods of her teachers.

Now, when I recollect some of the incidents that happened in my school days,I can see this clearly.
How many times I have heard this among my friends in school – “ Exam paper was tough,the questions were out of syllabus, Maths teacher doesn’t like me”

Now what is this??

As long as we think that problem is due to others, the solutions will never originate from us as we don’t see this problem as ours. WE have to take the responsibility for our problems and not blame others. Ability to respond(to problems) is responsibility.
If there is an issue in our office, it is always because of  others and not “ME”.This creates an environment where there are only problems and no solution providers.

Only when we accept and recognise the problem that there is a hope in getting solutions.

I come back to the girl who is taking tuitions from my wife.She was counselled by my wife and me that the challenge is not MATHS as a subject but it lies in getting this fear out of your mind that this subject is tough.Once you accept that this is a problem,it is easier to get a solution which is – it takes practice, hard work and sound basics to get this subject right.

Half the battle is won when you accept the existence of a problem. She recognised this and has never moaned about the teacher again. The results are out, she secured an A1 in her most dreaded subject(even better than her relatively easier subjects).We both are very proud of her achievements and silently also take pride in changing her attitude(this is a bigger accomplishment that the A1)

So,the philosophy that can be imbibed is –

"Let problems come from anywhere, the solutions will come from me.”

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

WOMAN – Working or a House wife…

In this world, women are categorised as – Housewife (nowadays referred to as house maker) or working woman.. more so in India - I always wondered WHY?
Men are never classified as – Working or Househusband – again – WHY?
Men are always classified as – service – Govt, Private or business…
Now, this blog is not to discuss about will not be an interesting read at all..
WOMEN are my object of attention in this blog
Who decides that a married woman either works or becomes part of the domestic routine of her in-laws and her husband’s house. Now, a house wife is a position that is created only after marriage.
Who decides – Housewife or a working lady??
Does the husband decide this? The pressure from the in-laws?

Biggest influencers in her decision making process
1)     Her upbringing at her parents’ house influences her decision either to take up a job or be a housewife. If she is programmed to think that “pati parmeshwar hai”, “taking care of your in-laws is the duty of a daughter-in-law”, “kids need mother’s attention always” then more often than not she will end up as a HOUSEMAKER
2)     Her new husband will then further nudge her to take up a job to support him in running the house or can also tell her to take care of his ageing parents and he will take care of running the house with his salary
3)     If the girl is in the rural setting, then more often than not , she is an additional helping hand at home and the fields. There will be no time to settle down, its work from day one.
4)     Domestic help is a category of a working woman who has chosen her profession purely for financial reasons. She has to work to support the whole family and also come home and work. Nobody influences her to do this. She does on her own. Highest levels of commitment and motivation of taking care of her family also, sometimes, pushes a woman into prostitution.
5)     Financial independence also drives a woman to take up a job. She need it more for herself than anyone else. This is the modern outlook where women are equals and they strive for what that desire come what may.
6)     There is one other category who simply don’t want to take up a job and are comfortable taking care of their home and children. Highly educated women have taken this conscious decision inspite of their husbands and families willing to allow them to work.

Now what is right for a woman?

House maker or a job seeker??

My assessment -

1)     A woman has to decide for herself what is best for her
2)     Only she is in such a glorious position to take a decision which will make or break a family. She is the fulcrum around which a family and its needs revolve.
3)     Man is useless without her support be it as a house maker or a working woman
4)     House maker is a full time job that a woman has to do. WE have to appreciate the effort, time and energy involved in this. Its with awe that I look at this position of “Housemaker”
5)     A working woman epitomises the power of multi-tasking that only a woman can do with effortless ease.

Now , I can understand why woman has been categorised as – HOUSEWIFE/MAKER and a WORKING WOMAN.
Only she can handle these two with aplomb. Man is not programmed for such complexities which includes working selflessly for others, sacrificing her needs, desires  for her family.

One last thought on this - A girl who has come from a different house and tries to forge new relations post her marriage needs great support and understanding from her husband foremost.

So appreciate a woman and celebrate her spirit of giving…

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


True, genuine friendships are such a treasure.  This type of friendship is one that can stand the test of time, where the other person accepts you for who you are…the good and the bad.
I have a few close friendships but I have one in particular that fits the title of ”My best friend”.
I met my best friend over 16 years ago.  We met in a higher secondary school .For several years we were a support system to each other in that realm but it went even deeper.  We had a lot of things in common and shared interests. 
 Busy schedules and family obligations can sometimes make connecting to each other a challenge but I am careful to make sure that we don’t lose touch.  I have seen first hand how two is better than one.  We are available for each other, that’s a silent relationship, it is taken for granted that we will be with each other during trying times.
We may not talk with each other on a daily basis but always have the time to remember each other every day on some pretext or the other.

He knows when I am ok to be approached and when to leave me alone, he can sense that mood and conducts accordingly and same is true for me too.

My happiness is his and my troubles are his. This kind of a relationship comes without any baggages,- no demands, no possessiveness, no mistrust ,no jealousies, no favours given or taken(its something that we do for each other happily) – its pure, transparent and without any expectations.
If you have a friend like this, treasure it.  Don’t let it go.  Hang onto it.  Be a good friend who can help another up.  And if you don’t have this kind of friendship, pray and ask God to bring one into your life.  I believe He can do that.  He knows the value in friendships.
Don’t try to go it alone in life.  After all, someone said (and I’m not sure who) but “A good friend is cheaper than therapy.”  

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Who will BELL the CAT?

Indian tour Down Under this summer ,mildly put, has been a disaster.

Just some time back, we were the World’s No1 test team and we are now quickly slipping down the ladder- as I write – we are  4th.Even this ranking seems to be quite over-rated.ICC needs to re-work its points system(apart from various issues on which it needs to work)

Now,the bigger issue in this blog for me , is – What is happening to Indian team?

To quickly analyse – our main batting stalwarts – Sachin,Dravid& Laxman , have done their chances no good by putting up batting displays that were far below the standards they have set for themselves and others to follow.

Our next-in-line batsmen – Virat,Rohit,Raina – have been touted as the next BIG three(I am excluding Pujara – poor fellow- has been injured – maybe that’s lucky for him)
These young guns have misfired in most of the occasions.We can spare a thought for Virat who was the only centurion in the whole tour so far(ODIs and tests included).
But does that mean we should not persist with the young guns??

So,where is the hope for Indian cricket?

Hope is in taking a hard look at our domestic set-up and also looking at IPL.It is a cash cow allright but what is more important? Survival of cricket or IPL?? BCCI has been bull dozing its way in all the ICC-related policies – be it the window for IPL or the referral system or the Sahara sponsorship fiasco…

Wish it could channelize some of its energies towards
1)     Preparing better pitches that will suit fast bowling
2)     Creating a strong bench-strength through ‘A” team touring various countries
3)     Drafting and implementing a proper succession plan for the batsmen and bowlers
4)     Not allowing IPL as the platform to select players for national duty
5)     Reducing the IPL window thus providing more time for the cricketers to recuperate and condition themselves for the sterner TESTS.

Now, another important issue is, who will tell Sachin that it is time he hangs up his boots and say a dignified goodbye to International cricket?

Ricky Ponting got dropped due to poor form in the current CBS triangular series.Indians can’t imagine Sachin getting the same treatment!! We are tolerant towards average performance and are highly skewed towards past reputation.
This has to stop .Nobody denies Sachin’s contributions and his stellar performances but time has come to take a step sideways and give way to young budding cricketers.That’s how he got into the team in the first place.Mohinder Amarnath,Sandip Patil were the guys who gave their places to him.The same is true for Dravid and Laxman as well…

Now, who will bell these big CATs? I think there is no other way  but  for the CATs to realise and bell themselves!!!

Monday, January 30, 2012

One day...

If God granted me one day to spend as I wish how would that be?

Since I will have 24 hours at my disposal, I would want to wake up early – seven am(haha, no way I would wake up at 4am)

I will NOT
1)      brush my teeth , not shave ,
2)      set the bed right ,
3)      water the plants,
4)      read the newspaper,
5)     watch any cricket match,
6)     eat healthy food
7)     go for my morning walks

But what I would want to DO
1)     play badminton till I exhaust myself(3hrs)
2)     go on a nature trip with family into the forest(5 hrs)
3)     go bird watching(3hrs)
4)     go to a place where there is a lot of fresh air and water – sleep ,eat and rest(10 hours)
5)     with the remaining time ,will go and spend with old people at old age home and young children at an orphanage(3 hrs)

Now, looking at God’s busy schedule , I don’t see HIM grating my wish. So, I believe I will end up with the list of doing all those things that were in the “I WILL NOT” list.

WAKE UP KRISH…Brush your teeth…